
Rollercoaster tycoon classic vs deluxe
Rollercoaster tycoon classic vs deluxe

Basically you'll know if the price is right anyway, because your punters will no doubt squeal about it if they're unhappy. This means that a park with ten attractions should charge Pound-15 quid, Pound-30 for 20 attractions, and so on. Let's say that each attraction (including stalls) is worth Pound-1.50 on the entrance fee. The admission price should start at about Pound-10 and increase gradually from there. Try not to charge for the toilets, or transportation rides like the monorail. When it comes to rides, 50p for a gentle ride, Pound-1 for a thrill ride and Pound-2 for rollercoasters, go-carts, and water rides is about right. Never charge more than Pound-2 for any food or drink item, and try not to go above Pound-1 for a map, and Pound-3 for an umbrella. Follow the guidelines outlined in the Excitement and Intensity sections above to reduce the nausea rating. Nauseaīeginners usually find that most of their rollercoasters have high nausea ratings simply through a lack of understanding of rollercoaster dynamics and physics. Sure, the guests want some intensity in their lives, but giving it to them like that is a sure way to make them leave the park completely -possibly in a body bag. Coming out of the last turn at 50mph and then suddenly braking to Omph in less than a second is pretty intense unfortunately it's also the equivalent force of a fatal car accident. Above all, make sure the car doesn't come into the station too fast. Inserting banked corners - or, God forbid, even brakes - can usually do this. Look at the places with high and sudden G-forces, then smooth them out. The trick is to study the graph when you first test a ride. This type of curve maintains speed, and gives the rider the impression of speed. To keep the interest factor high on slower sections of track (usually near the end), use banked helix turns. But beware: going too fast backwards is likely to be messy. Indeed, later add-ons enable you to do just that, but to do it safely. If passengers think they're not going to make it, and are going to plummet backwards down the track, they become even more excited. For example, a section that dives into a tunnel after a sharp drop, emerges into bright sunlight, performs a sharp 90-degree banked turn and darts back into the darkness rates highly on the excitement scale, but doesn't make the passengers vomit.Īlso, build uphill sections of track so that cars have just enough momentum to get up and over. A high rating in the 'exciting' category usually comes from building a ride that goes over water, through tunnels, past themed scenery or close to another attraction. ExcitementĮxciting rides are not necessarily fast, nor do they have loads of twists, loops and turns. By all means give the punters a bit of a shock and a thrill, but excessive exposure to high Gs is the wrong way to do it. Overall, you want to keep your Gs to a level that's reasonably pleasant for people to experience. (Are you sure about all this? - Science Ed.) If you design a ride that hits about 5G laterally, you're basically snapping necks. G-force also works laterally (side to side). If one of your coasters has a high negative G rating, sort it out immediately. While it's extremely exciting for a brief moment, prolonged experience simply causes your guests to spew. Generally speaking, in Rollercoaster Tycoon it's best not to exceed 4G too often -and especially negative Gs, which occur when cars come off a straight section of track and hit a bump at high speed, or plummet down a drop with too much initial velocity, which causes weightlessness. In fact you're probably pulling about four vertical Gs, which means you now weigh four times your usual weight. If you add speed and resistance to the equation, such as you dropping 100 feet at 70mph and shooting straight back up into an inverted loop, you are being subjected to a force greater than gravity. That means if you weigh 12 stone, you weigh. While standing motionless, you are experiencing 1G.

Rollercoaster tycoon classic vs deluxe